Paying for SAF-funded Events

Was Your Event Approved for Student Activity Fee (SAF) Funding?
Student Activity Fee Funding: A Quick Guide is a comprehensive presentation designed to demystify the process of applying for and spending this essential funding source for campus-wide social events. Be sure to check out Section 4: You’re Funded! Now what? for information about your Unique Event Code and how to use it.
Expectations for funded organizations and departments:
- After approval, review the SAF guidelines in the Quick Guide to ensure your program is in compliance.
- Remember to use the SAF logo and acknowledge SAF as a funding source on all marketing materials for your program. The SAF logo is available for download here:
- Make sure the expenses do not exceed the amount that was approved. Failure to adhere to this guideline could jeopardize future funding.
- After your event is over, complete the post event evaluation.
Paying your event expenses
- Students: all expenses associated with SAF funding will be paid through the Student Organization Finance Office.
- Faculty and Staff: departments receiving funding for student-facing events should submit expenses directly in Workday, using the Unique Event Code provided in the approval email.
The Declining Balance (DB) Card is the preferred form of payment for students. If you need to request a payment by check, refer to this page.
If you have questions or are unsure how best to make a payment to a supplier, contact
Additionally, a member of the SAF Committee will be reaching out you after the event in order for you to set up a post-event reflection meeting. Thanks for accessing SAF to create a vibrant and inclusive campus community!