What is the “Budget Cycle”?

Each year, chartered student organizations in good standing are able to request an Operating Budget from the Student Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC).  During this funding process, called the Budget Cycle, your organization officers will prepare, submit, and present a Budget Proposal for the upcoming academic year. SBAC will then review your proposal, ask questions if needed, and make a determination about the amount to be funded.

How does the process work?

  1. Confirm that your President and Treasurer are correctly listed on your group’s portal on The Link. If they are, then these officers will have received information about completing Annual Budget Training in Canvas. If not, submit an Officer Change form to the Office of Student Engagement ASAP.
  2. Take the training module in Canvas.
  3. Review your current budget and your organization’s latest financial reports released January 17-18.
  4. Download the SBAC Budget Template, which is the only approved format for your budget proposal submission.
  5. Need help? There are lots of support options to fit all types of student schedules. See this year’s Budget Cycle Schedule to see what will work best for you and your Exec team.
  6. After you have completed the budget template, submit it to SBAC (you’ll learn about this in Budget Training). You will have the opportunity to sign up for a presentation appointment when submitting your budget proposal.
  7. Attend your Budget Presentation meeting and be prepared to answer any questions!

Questions? Email sbac@wfu.edu or sofo@wfu.edu.

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