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Organization Financials Folder at SOFO

Step 1: Make sure your organization officers are updated on in your organization portal at The Link.
Step 2: Each month your officers will receive a notification email stating that financial reports for the previous month are ready to view.
Step 3: Click the google folder link provided in the email.
Step 4: Your group’s budget will be viewable in your SOFO financial folder.
Step 5: If you have problems with access, make sure you are listed as an officer on The Link, then email SOFO for assistance.

What if we want to make adjustments to our approved budget?

It is possible to request a change to how approved budget funds are allocated. It is also possible to request additional funding through a capital or contingency funding request. Visit the Treasurer’s Portal to access the Capital/Contingency Request and the Reallocation form, or contact SBAC at to learn more!