Student Organization Financial Management
The organization Treasurer has primary responsibility for your chartered group budget and financial management; however, Presidents are also required to be trained and have a full understanding of how student organization funding and financial management work at WFU.
The Student Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) is the primary source of operational funding for undergraduate student organizations at WFU. In addition, special funding for campus-wide events and initiatives is available through the Student Activity Fee Committee (SAF). Expenses and other financial services related to these funding sources are paid using the services provided here at SOFO.
Not all student organizations request and receive the funding detailed above, and that is fine. But for those who do, it’s important to know what’s expected and follow the guidelines set forth by your funding source. We hope your experience as a student organization officer is a fun and rewarding experience, never a burden or a source of stress. With that in mind, the information on this page should help get started managing your group’s budget and having a successful year.
Financial Management Expectations for Organization Officers

- Complete the officer training required by SBAC and Student Engagement as soon as possible at the start of the year, or as soon as possible after you assume your role as an organization officer. Not only is it required before you are able to access your organization funding, it will demystify many aspects of your group finances and de-stress your learning curve as you begin to spend your funding.
- Review the operating budget that was approved during the previous spring semester. Even if you were not involved in its creation, you will still be expected to use this document as a guide for your spending. If it does not reflect your most current goals, SBAC has avenues to make changes, such as submitting a Reallocation Request, or a request for Contingency Funding. For help finding your group’s approved Operating Budget, visit this page.
- Get to know the Treasurer’s Portal at the Link. This is your connection to SBAC forms, policies and schedules.
- Also review this website! There is a wealth of information, many different types of request forms, and guidance for a variety of special situations.
- Plan ahead for your expenses. Here in SOFO, we have noticed that one of the biggest sources of stress for student leaders is rushing at the last minute to make things happen. Think ahead as much as possible and submit requests within the appropriate timelines. Your future self will thank you!
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions. During the business week (Monday through Friday), SOFO staff are available by email, by appointment, and sometimes even for walk-in visits from students. It’s our job to help you understand the processes relating to your organization funding, expenses, and revenue, and we’re happy to help!
- Finally, review your organization financial reports each month. SOFO assigns each funded group a financials google folder that is accessible to organization officers and any group members they choose to share it with. You should bookmark the folder for easy access, and we will email a notification to organization officers each month when the reports are updated. Information about reading the reports is provided on this page.