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Creating Your Sale
Fees & Sale Proceeds
Use of On-site Mobile Devices
Processes Step-by-Step


  • Must request at least 5 business days prior to anticipated sale date
  • Sale duration can vary, however a sale or dues collection period of no more than 2-3 weeks is recommended.


Creating Your Online Sale

Students must supply complete sale information to SOFO in order for the sale to be created. SOFO is not responsible for delays caused by incomplete information. Use the request form as a guide to help you discuss the sale with your team and make all needed decisions. It is possible to schedule a meeting to clarify your requirements.

You will be given the opportunity to review your sale information and test the sale functionality before opening your sale to the campus community and/or the public. Carefully review the pricing, dates, text, graphics, and terms & conditions before approving the sale. While we are able to make corrections after your sale is live, SOFO is not responsible for the consequences of any incorrect information, functionality or pricing discovered after you approve the sale.

Fees & Sale Proceeds

The cost for each online sale is 5% of sale proceeds, which covers credit card and other fees for use of the system. This fee is collected from your attendees/payers by adding a 5.6% “handling fee” to the base price of your item(s). Fees must be added on top of the base price and may not be built in to the price.

All events with a “cost of admission” are required to collect 7% NC Sales Tax, per NC law. Taxes are collected from your attendees/payers by adding them to the base price of your item(s). Taxes must be added on top of the base price and may not be built in to the price. Please note that some online sales do not meet the requirements to collect sales tax. SOFO will advise you if your event must collect sales tax.

At the conclusion of your sale, SOFO staff will post a statement to the SOFO Financials folder for your organization. The statement will detail the amount received and amounts collected for fees and tax. An internal funds transfer to your group Agency fund will be initiated within 5 business days of the conclusion of your event.

Use of On-site Mobile Devices

Groups must use AudienceView ticket scanners to check in attendees at the door of an event. Instructions will be provided as your event date approaches.

Processes Step-by-Step

  1. Complete an online sale request form or a Request to Collect Dues Online.
  2. If desired, schedule a meeting with SOFO to clarify requirements. This is optional, but suggested for more complex ticketed events and registrations. Online item sales (like t-shirts) do not necessarily need a meeting.
  3. Review and test your sale carefully when SOFO sends it to you for review and respond with any corrections.
  4. Publicize your sale through flyers, email lists and social media channels. We are able to provide you with a “Go Link” ( to simplify your marketing. If you would like to use a “Go Link”, just notify us when you request your sale.
  5. If you will be using AudienceView ticket scanners to check in attendees, you will receive information about picking up the devices prior to your event.